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Desert Farming

Committed to Quality


Water technologies

Exceeding Expectations

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Agriculture Drone

Our Vision

Breed the first Emirati seed and lead the regional & global market

At AgriWadi, we’re invested in building the future of farming, and we want to make life for farmers as easy and comfortable as possible, regardless of the size of productions that they manage.

Giving you full control of your production is our goal, and we will do our best to make your crops or herds as productive as possible. To that end, we’ve developed hi-tech systems and services that help you connect with every step of your production. With our products, you’ll know exactly what you need to do and when.

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Close Up of Corn Field

How We Can Help

Connect Faster

Home: Our Technology
On the Laptop

End to End Assistance for your Farm

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Checking the Crops

Automatic Surveillance

Regular Analysis

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Facts & Figures for Seeds/Agri

In Numbers


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Long-Term Partnerships



Origene Seeds

Exlusive Seed Partner


Deshen Hatzafon & Sheffa

Exlsuive Fertilizer Partner

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Cabbage Field

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Al Ain Farm


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